Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Break Through #2

Our second break through was when we were all put together in our bands. It took a long time to get completly settled down because we were just getting use to the new music equipmen and plugging everything in. It was tricky to get started, partly because we were all talking at the same time, and everyone was playing their instrumnets when we were not suppose to. Eventually, we got started propperly and were able to get through some of the song without messing up. It has now started to sound like the real song and we can't wait to get even better.

What i personally found hard with actually getting started to play, was that we were not able to play the song at the same beat. As the drummer i felt like it was my responsability to get everyone to play at the same tempo, however that did not go so well. The good thing was that we were able to play some of the song all together. That was out second break through!

//Hellen Cockburn

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