Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Break Through #1

My first break through was when we learnt the song induvidually. We started off by getting put into groups, all drummers in one group, all singers in on group, all key board players in one group, all the guitar players in one group and all the bass players in one group. This made it easy to focus on your very own instrument and learning the song for yourself without focusing on everyone else.

Since i'm playing the drums i had to learn both what i had to play and be able to play it to the right beat of the song. The "simple" drum notes i found very easy and i picked up on it straight away. Then I tried the "advanced" which i also found very simple. However, I thought that the chorus drum beat was a chalange to learn, but after having pracising the whole lesson i eventually picked up on it and i was able to play the whole song. That was my first break through!

//Hellen Cockburn

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